Spent a lovely evening with the Retford Arts Society on Thursday 22 Oct. demonstrating ‘Textures with Acrylics’ with a painting of part of an old door. I hadn’t used this for a demo before so it was all a bit risky to fit it into the 100 minutes available! Maimeri Brera Acrylics on a 20×16 canvas board with a gesso base.
21 October 2015 Studio progress
Many thanks to artist colleague Adam Berry, I now have an extra wall panel and a lockable door to secure my space. A selection of paintings are being hung then it’s down to creating new work for our first Open Studios weekend at the end of November. More information later.
3rd Oct Fun Palaces
3 drawings from the Fun Palaces event at Cast in Doncaster. It was a really good day for catching up with friends and meeting new people and doing some drawings. Lots of activities going on with dance, drama, theatre tours, workshops and demonstrations throughout the theatre.
1st Oct 2015 – First painting from new studio
Just completed my first painting in my new studio space. A quite straightforward painting of rooftops at Staithes in North Yorkshire. It’s for a 2 page instructional article in the SAA’s Paint magazine (circulation 45 000). I’ve been writing it alongside the painting and it’s finally finished and dispatched.
28 Sept 2015 Monk Fryston workshop
Workshop at Monk Fryston Art Group. I painted a guide picture of a Venetian door and these lovely people showed their individuality with these very different paintings. Well done to all!
September 2015 New Studio
Taken on a new studio space in the old Doncaster Art College on Church View. A large, light room shared with 2/3 other artists.
September 2015 DNweekeND exhibition
July 2015 SAA London
Invited to present 2 x 45minute demonstrations at the SAA London art event at The Business Centre, Islington.
July 2015 ‘Paint’ magazine article
2 page article on the history and usage of acrylic paints written for the SAA ‘Paint’ magazine – circulation c. 45 000.
June 2015 DNweekeND
Commissioned to record the many and varied arts events taking place across the town at the annual DNweekeND arts festival organised by Right Up Our Street. Musicians, actors, street theatre, circus and a dinosaur all drawn on-site and in action over 2 hectic days.